Maximized Life Bible Training Institute
To train and develop ministers and leaders for the Body of Christ, who will preach, teach and live the gospel to maximize lives with the Word of God.
If you are interested in attending MBLTI and want a sneak peek, then click the link to sign up to attend Shadow Night April 16th and 23rd. You can attend one night or both nights online via Zoom or in person. Click the link for more information.
Shadow Night https://praise1.breezechms.com/form/2024ShadowNight
Alumni Speak
I noticed myself understanding, learning more and applying what I'm learning to my life!
It gave me the ability to do things I thought I didn't know how to do and go to places I never thought I could go to.
You will grow, develop and find out more about yourself in order to better be of service to God!
MLBTI improved my prayer life. The scriptures are broken down to give you a greater understanding.