Curriculum & Courses
First Year Curriculum Course Descriptions
Bible Study Methods I
This course is designed to acquaint students with practical tools for studying God’s word.
This course is designed to acquaint students with Biblical Faith, what it is and how it is obtained.
Hermeneutics I: Bible Survey
This course is designed to acquaint students with the Word of God, as a whole. The students will learn the bible layout, why we believe the word of God and Practical Methods for Bible Study.
Bible Study Methods II
This course is designed to acquaint students with practical tools for studying God’s word.
This course is designed to aid students in understanding the importance of prayer, how to pray and to provide practical experience in prayer.
Hermeneutics II: The Old Testament
This course is designed to acquaint students with the Old Testament, its authors, purpose and context.
Spiritual Authority
This course is designed to aid students in understanding the authority of the believer in the natural and spiritual realms and in understanding the power of submitting to God-given earthly authority.
This course is designed to help students understand the deity and humanity of Jesus Christ.
Hermeneutics III: The New Testament
This course is designed to acquaint students with the New Testament, its authors, purpose and context.
Ministry Gifts
This course is designed to acquaint students with various ministry gifts, their purpose and role in the Body of Christ.
The Holy Spirit
This course is designed to provide an understanding of purpose and function of the Holy Spirit and to help students understand how to minister the Holy Spirit to others.
Homiletics/ Public Speaking
This course is designed to introduce students to the homiletic format of sermons, as well as tips and strategies for public speaking.
Second Year Curriculum Course Descriptions
Prosperity/Financial Planning
This course is designed to give students a biblical understanding of prosperity and practical application of wisdom concerning finances.
The Helps Ministry
This course is designed to give students an understanding of practical service in ministry.
Ministry Application
In this course the students will discover the more intricate practical side of ministry. Students will grasp an understanding of practical ministry by preparing outlines for classes, writing job descriptions for ministry positions, writing mission statements, ministry goals, scheduling ministry events, preparing short ministry presentation, etc.
Experiencing God
This course is designed to help students develop their love relationship with God, hear the voice of God more clearly and center their lives in God’s activity.
Raising a Family in Ministry
This course is designed to give practical insight into raising a family and to highlight special strategies that work for families in ministry.
End Times
In this course the students will get a clearer understanding of the significance of God’s prophetic plan during the end times.
This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental facts of basic Bible doctrines.
Identifying Your Call to Ministry
This course is designed to make students think and to take a look inside their hearts to see if they have been called or are now being called to ministry work.
Children’s and Youth Ministry
This course is designed to acquaint students with the roles and responsibilities of Children’s and Youth Ministers. This course includes practical experience in children and youth ministry.
Missions and Evangelism
This course will acquaint students with the work of missions and evangelism. The students will get practical experience in missions and evangelism.
Leadership Loyalty
This course is design to help students maximize their personal performance and increase their effectiveness as a loyal, faithful partner who provides quality service in the local church.
Ministry Protocols
This course provides a gold mine of valuable guidelines to help both restore and maintain order—God’s order. It includes handling finances in ministry, proper respect in ministry and for ministry.